The lawyers inform their clients of the hourly rate they propose to apply if they choose the time-based method. They also provide an estimate of the time likely to be devoted to studying and processing the case. This rate may vary within the same law firm depending on the cases being handled. A higher hourly rate may be agreed upon for cases that warrant it.
The lawyers and their clients agree on fixed and final fees.
The services covered by these fees must be precisely specified.
The lawyers may agree with their client on the establishment of additional fees based on results, which must be expressly stipulated in a prior agreement concluded between the lawyers and their client. However, such an agreement must also provide for primary fees for services.
In the context of partial legal aid and fees based on results, the requirement for a fee agreement is strictly defined by law.
In accordance with the provisions of Articles L. 612-1 and following of the Consumer Code, you have the option, in the event of a dispute with a lawyer, to use the services of the Consumer Mediator free of charge. The appointed mediator is the National Mediator for the French National Bar Council (CNB), whose contact details are as follows:
Carole Pascarel, Consumer Mediator for the Legal Profession
1 Rue de Sfax 75116 PARIS
Opening Hours:
Monday au Friday : de 10h à 19h